There is a remarkable study of sectoral minimum wages in California. It deals with minimum wages that have been raised set to start from a floor of $20 per hour in the fast food sector. The first indications after 6 months show that the wage increases due to the regional and sectoral minimum wage in California were about 18% per hour. The wage rises did not have a negative effect on employment so far and are not expected to happen. The first indications suggest that price rises absorbed 2/3 of the wage increases. Consumers of the fast food chains and on special event locations do not react strongly on the price increases to reduce demand. As overall the turnover achieved in the restaurants increased even franchising chains were able to increase their profits. It is an interesting example that an increase in minimum wages can create a win-win-win situation starting with a substantial pay rise. A second round effect not mentioned in the study could consist in the narrowing of the price differential between healthy food and fast food. The option of a healthy meal might no longer appear to be so much more expensive.
Some American presidents become famous due to specific economic policies they managed to formulate, get approved and implemented them. Reaganomics, of previous U.S. president Ronald Reagan, was coined in connection with an open market doctrine, favouring monetary policy instead of fiscal stimuli. Bidenomics, of incumbent president Joe Biden, is characterised by his “produce in America”, Inflation Reduction Act, and fiscal stimulus provided for green and social investments.
Whereas Reagon sat more with bankers and central bankers, Biden is keen to stand with unionised workers even on the picket line. Investments that favour good jobs, jobs that apply pay scales agreed upon through collective bargaining are part of the Bidenomics that seems to work to raise the wages of the middle-class people. In the medium-term there might even be effects to lift the lower wages in other sectors of the economy as well. However, this is the tricky part of the equation to support the middle-classes and somehow the median voter.
American elections are won in so-called swing states that have voted democrats or republicans by narrow margins. Many of these states are in the “Rust-belt” states that have or had a strong manufacturing base. Bidenomics works hard to make the economy work for those people in these states, who have felt threatened by declassification, job loss and undercutting of wages due to migration. Substantial wage gains from $32/h to $40/h over 4 years is a landmark achievement in the U.S (see New York Times below). Non-unionised firms like Tesla, Hyundai or BMW and Mercedes in the U.S. will be isolated if they do not follow General Motors, Ford and Stellantis in the coming months or years.
It is not just about cars and trucks and wages, but about the chances of Biden and the Democrats to stem the renewed populist tide in the U.S. German car makers appear to be in the camp with the Tesla X-Man avoiding to negotiate with trade unions in the U.S. If Biden stays on as president after the next election, Bidenomics will gain further support and production of batteries and cars will be favoured locally with good paying, unionised jobs. Despite the high interest rates currently it is astonishing to many economist that the U.S. has not fallen into recession like for example Germany in at least 2 quarters of 2023. (Image: extract of Ney York Times 2023-11-2)
Jahrestage sind die Geburtstage von Organisationen oder zeitgeschichtlichen Dokumenten. Der 23. Mai ist so ein Jahrestag. Alle BundesbürgerInnen sollten an diesem Tag die Verkündung des Grundgesetzes im Jahre 1949 feiern. 75 Jahre sind das in 2024. Die Ostdeutschen hatten mit den Füßen abgestimmt, dem Geltungsbereich des Grundgesetzes beizutreten. Eine gesamtdeutsche Verfassung lässt noch auf sich warten. Provisorien halten oft ganz gut.
160 Jahre SPD, feiern wir etwas verhalten, ob der enttäuschenden Wahlergebnisse der heutigen Sozialdemokraten beispielsweise in Berlin (außer in Bremen Mai 2023). Der Allgemeine Deutsche Arbeiterverein (ADAV) von 1863 in Leipzig begründete die lange Tradition und der Kampf für Rechte der Arbeiter. Zu dem Jahrestag der Sozialdemokratie passt der am 23.5.2023 in Berlin stattfindende Kongress, gleichzeitig zur 50 Jahre-Feier des Europäischen Gewerkschafsbundes (EGB). Viele Sozialdemokraten haben dabei Anlass beides zu feiern. Ferdinand Lassalle, Gründer des ADAV, forderte aufgrund seiner These vom „ehernen Lohngesetz“, die Armutsbekämpfung zu einem Hauptthema zu machen. 160 Jahre später feiert der EGB in Berlin auf seinem 15. Kongress die erfolgreiche Arbeit für eine europäische Richtlinie für Mindestlöhne. Manche Sprünge brauchen sehr viel Anlauf.
Weiter hinten in der Warteschlange der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie der Jahretage reiht sich der 25. Jahrestag der Europäischen Zentralbank am 24.5.2023 in Frankfurt ein. Auf allen Feiern gibt es einen persönlichen Vortrag des deutschen Bundeskanzlers Olaf Scholz (gerade zurück aus Hiroshima und Südkorea). Sein Ausrufen der „Zeitenwende“ (Artikel in Foreign Affairs) wird deutlich in dem tösenden Applaus für die Aufnahme der Ukrainischen Gewerkschaften in den EGB (Bild unten) auf dem EGB-Kongress, der quasi im Laufschritt von der DGB-Vorsitzenden Yasmin Fahimi eröffnet wurde. Jahrestage können wehmütige Blicke in die Vergangenheit sein. Dem EGB-Kongress ist ein zukunftsweisender Auftakt „à la Zeitenwende“ gelungen.