The greening of facades of houses is an old tradition in many western countries. The outside of a home then changes colors with seasons. The home for insects and birds feeding on them makes a small contribution to biodiversity as well. Greening interiors is a more rare instance. Of course flowers and plants can contribute a lot, but there is yet more scope to green entire walls inside your home or office.
Moss has advantages to add humidity to the air. You might like the acoustic effect as well in busy environments. Taking care of moss is not easy. Professional assistance (Link) or renting options might be a good option for office buildings. The wellness enhancing effects are also interesting for some people who susceptible to the calming effects of a more natural environment. It is a matter of care and respect for air quality that is reflected in the design using green interiors.
Circularity is another advantage of the materials. We can so a lot for biodiversity if we really wanted to even in urban spaces. Global warming will force us to think more and more, and sooner than later to make use of such innovative solutions. For the time being they remain a luxury option. For the wealthy, greening interiors is easy, it much less an option for restricted budgets and people who are obliged to focus on short-term survival. However, we have to get started with the greening of our planet again, any way.
Shoa Memorial
In the neighborhood of the Paris City Town Hall you find the Mémorial de la Shoa. There is a constant flux of visitors and pupils with their teachers passing through the rooms. They all continue to be really moved by the shocking images and their efforts to try to understand the full extent of the Shoa and the terrible effects it had even on survivors of the concentration camps. The continuation of the memory of the memories of those survivors by young people is one of the strong points of this exhibition. The transmission of memories finds many new ambassadors against the tendency to forget or downplay the horrors committed by the Nazis.
Of course it is overwhelming as an experience, but it all the more necessary to keep memories alive and guard against each tendency of denial. In the age of fake news and historical deep fakes, it will be all the more important to immunize people against any attempts of manipulation of historic truths. The availability of the information online and through youtube-videos is an indispensable next step in the preservation and dissemination of the documentaries. The Mémorial of the Shoa in Paris is an essential part of this commemoration as 76.000 Jewish persons were deported to concentration camps from France as well.(Image: Mémorial de la Shoa, Paris 2025)
January Spring
The early signs of spring in Europe usually show up in March. The monthly data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) show that „average temperature over European land for January 2025 was 1.80°C, 2.51°C above the 1991-2020 average for January,“ (Link). The warming throughout January has several consequences. Vegetation starts into spring earlier. This means that people with allergies of early flowering suffer earlier during a year. Winter rest in animal lives will be shorter. The risks of droughts in some regions combined with floods in other regions is increased as well. Rockslides in the Alps and flooding in Italy and the Baltic states add to the costs of climate change.
Western Europe, witnessed a relatively „dry January“, even for those who kept drinking alcohol throughout the month. Heating and heating costs came down a bit and friends of gardening were surprised by some early showings of flowers of spring even in Paris neighborhoods (image below) as early as the first few days in February 2025! Strange new world. It all seems to happen a bit faster than most scientists expected. Time for adaptive behavior is shortened as well.
United by travel
The economic rationale of profit maximization privileges the construction and management of profitable connections. For train transportation this has spurred over decades the construction of new train lines between metropolitan cities or regions. Whereas connections between Paris and Brussels are abundant and expensive from central stations those living somewhere in between the 2 cities, for example in Mons, have had little chance of access to reasonably priced and fast train connections. This neglect of the in between cities is slowly changing. Sufficiently fast and reasonably priced connections allow Europe to grow together also at the margins. Public transport as alternative to car traffic across borders for „in-between cities“ will bridge the gap between the ease of travel between metropolitan an more remote areas. There is economic growth to be reaped as connected infrastructures allow for economic as well as social mobility and joint development. This is the real European challenge ahead of us and not the numerous summits without tangible results for rural and urban populations beyond metropolitan regions. For regions spanning countries, some will be finally reunited by better public transport a kind of ecological unification.
In the 21st century hallucinations have become a daily experience. The origins of the word can be followed back at least to the Latin verb “alucinor”, best translated with “to hallucinate”. As a verb to can conjugate it, meaning that I can do it, you can do it, s/he can do it, and we may do it in groups. Roman emperors did it, American presidents do it and, of course, AI does it. Hence, it is a great subject to study.
In “Nature” 2025 we find ways to limit hallucinations of AI systems. The strategy consists mainly in repeated queries of the same type, but from different angles. It is a bit like cubism applied to informatics. On “” we can follow the rankings of AI-models using LLMs based on the “hallucination-leaderboard” developed by Vectara. On “” you can test the Hughes Hallucination Evaluation Model. For example it is possible to run a test of your own small text documents (just like any blog entry on this webpage) and what the AI systems will do them in an attempt to summarize your ideas. According to the “hallucination-leaderboard” we are confronted with a 1.3%-4% hallucination rate of the top 25 LLMs as AI-systems. In text based systems the quantity of “errors” is a first indicator only. The seriousness of the omission, addition of wrong information or an erroneous judgment will be left to the reader or analyst to uncover.
There is now a lot to do to test various AI-systems on their “trustworthiness” in summarizing my own work. My very own daily hallucinations have become a large data base as a test case for the capacity of LLMs to make sense of them.
Based on the series of passed blog entries I shall test the capacity of AI to predict the n+1 blog entry. It would be great to know today what I am going to write about tomorrow etc. Thanks to AI I shall have (finally) a sort of intellectual life after death (not sure whether I should want this). Enough of hallucinations and on hallucinations for now, back to serious readings or fictionalized science. (Image: extract from Delphine Diallo, Kush, 2024 at Hangar Gallery Brussels).
Existence as Eggsistence
Artists have their own ways of hallucinating. They don’t need an AI to generate ideas beyond the normal, even allowing for 2 standard deviations off the usual. As a result of the thorny question about your existence, Ram Katzir came up with the impressive statement about his „eggsistence“ being subjected to a squeezed experience. Ever increasing shares of the labor force would subscribe to this statement about the modern workplace. Each turn of the screw risks to crack up the egg‘s shell. Rather focus on the egg, try to get a grip on the screw. There are thousands if not millions who crack up under the excessive pressure of economic and political circumstances. The new platforms of food, grocery and parcel delivery at home have become the latest example of AI-assisted and algorithmicly managed screws. What is driving your eggsistence. It is about time to ask fundamental questions again. (Image: Eggsistence, by Ram Katzir 2021 in Brussels, Galilas Collection Belgium)
Corridorisation Connectivity
In some cities, “I love Paris” (Jazz Song), we admire the “breath-taking” large corridors, right in the centre of the city. This has been the outcome of the urban planning in the 18th century. Haussmann designed large parts of Paris with huge corridors despite the medieval narrow streets in some of the arrondisements”. Ease of traffic, fewer riots and representative housing became the new mantra of urban planning and superb boulevards.
In the 21st century it is about time to question the notion and social process of corridorisation. This has been accomplished in a paper by Fatima Tassadq et al. (2025). Modern infrastructure like fibre-optic cables, energy or water networks are easiest to deploy in urban spaces with large corridors than the complex narrow inner cities with supposition of different kinds of network layers. The grand ideas of the 18th century should be questioned from time to time and some districts that have escaped the corridorisation might well have a particular charm about them, maybe just because they seem to escape the rational approach of making and structuring space by means of large corridors. Large corridors separate city districts and they are a major driving force of gentrification.
The rationality of corridors has some roots in maths or physics of complexity. A recent paper by Shanshan Wang et al. (2024) reports the surprising finding that the transport corridors in several cities across the globe allow for a 1.3 times the distance of transport networks compared to the so-called direct linear “bird’s flight line”. Hence, corridorisation is (has been) a rather pervasively applied model of urban planning.
Alternative approaches advocate in favor of the 15-minutes walking distance city. All amenities like shops, schools, maybe work and services should be reachable within a 15 minutes walk. This does include “walking corridors” that facilitate (social) connectivity in inner cities. Cyclists also claim their corridors or fast lanes across cities, which underlines the pertinence to take corridorisation seriously and apply the concept with care.
In any case, social connectivity is key. The big social media platforms operate similar to the traffic infrastructure in the 21st century and provide huge corridors to knowledge and people. We only realize this once a service (for example tiktok) or the internet altogether gets disconnected. We have moved from (social) categorisation to (social) corridorisation as technology and rationalisation have taken the upper hand to structure our (social) lives.
Obesity Revised
The scientific paper on a revised definition of obesity was produced by the special Commission on Obesity. It appeared in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology in 2025-1. The previously common practice by medical doctors was to classify person in the obesity category based mainly on the simple calculation of the body mass index (BMI = weight/height²). A BMI > 30 put persons into the obese category and stigma.
Since the Covid-19 society-wide testing experience, we are all familiar what it means if you get misclassified and have to live with the consequences (exclusion from work or events etc.). The simplifying and summarizing BMI calculation and classification has also produced many wrong classifications. For example, persons with a lot of muscles (just watch this at any fitness studio) will have a high weight relative to their body height², but they are likely to be more healthy than many other light weight, but seriously stressed persons.
In empirical test theory such cases are the so-called false positive cases, i.e. classified as obese, but not a medical problem at all. Medical doctors and health insurances should not finance special treatments for these persons, which foregoes treatment of other more needy persons.
With new expensive drugs on the market to treat obesity it is even more important to test with more precision the normal, pre-clinical and clinical status of obesity. Fatty tissue or muscles, that is the relevant question. Fatty tissue in muscles is the next level testing issue.
In a song by the „Red Hot Chili Peppers“ the term californication appeared for the first time as far as I remember. This song is rather critical of the superficial californian way of life. The belief in the dream that you may get rich quickly in California has suffered another blow wit the thousands of homes burned in the wild fires in January 2025. Dry and arid areas are spreading and the lack of water makes it very hard for firefighters to protect homes, particularly in difficult to reach valleys. Stormy weather adds to the speed of fire spreading. All these elements are predictable additional risk of climate change. Californication is the old and new word to describe a trend of acceptance of increasing climate risks by at the same time neglect of environmental precaution. Hollywood is just around the corner there and the film industry might come up with some other narratives than just the previous californian dream. Get rich fast, then run away. Sustainability is a more difficult concept and yet it keeps getting more and more attention.
Man made climate change and local policies increase speed of aridification (Link). It is not only the Sahara desert that is spreading out, but the lake Aral is another horrible example of the disrespect mankind attributes to its own resources of living. As more regions become arid due to our faults and long term consequences of industrialization we provoke human resettlement of an increasing scale. Water resources are and have been for centuries the major reason for people to settle nearby. Aridification of the soil like in California increases the risks of wild fires. The costs associated with aridification are very high and such areas can no longer be insured through normal private insurers. In most cases poor people or countries are affected the most, but we are all likely to bear the consequences in one way or another. We will have to accept that the size of habitable areas on earth decreases while the peek demography of humans is still at least a decade away from now. Not to tackle aridification is not an option. When shall we ever learn? (Image: sketch for Hagar and Ishmael in the desert, by Navez 1819, MRBAB)
Don’t laugh. This is a very serious scientific term to describe the way social media function in the 21st century. The scientific reference goes back to 2025 and article in “Science” by Kai Kupferschmidt. Twitter, now eXit, like most other social media platforms uses algorithms that select posts for you from the millions of posts that are likely to induce a reaction from you, which prolongs your time on the platform. Additionally, eXit Twitter applies an algorithm that prioritizes accounts with already a huge followership, which makes these accounts even bigger. The result is an increasing inequality in attention to info, facts, fake news, but also revenue for the platform owners through more advertisements. As hate speech and fake news are commonly perceived as shit, many social media are happy to spread more shitty things on their platforms as this generates more money for the platform as well. In short, enshittification happens sooner or later to most platforms and we all suffer from this. As user of these platforms, it is hard to escape from this process, as most platforms tend to “convert” to enshittification at some later point in their life cycle, unlike babies who manage to quit this phase after a few months. A move to Bluesky might be indicated, but there is no guarantee that the same process will just happen again. Mastodon is another small twitter-like platform that like Bluesky offers a more open approach to its governing algorithms and a more controlled access in the registration process.
To avoid enshittification, we have to be ready to move away from one platform to another one, just like changing bank accounts or club memberships. Make sure to take most of your friends with you and there are already tools for this online as well. Enjoy the safe online life again on another platform or consume more of the traditional media like newspapers, radio or tv with proven quality. (Image: extract from Jan Steen, 1625-1679, The Rhetoricians – “In liefde vrij”, MRBAB)
Science and Fiction
We associate with science and fiction the extrapolation of scientific trends into some futuristic settings. The most striking examples of science fiction in novels or video use some scientific findings (dinosaurs, genetic engineering) and project this knowledge into another fictional setting. The usual personal relationships follow rather predictable plots of romance, deception, violence or war.
The novel “Wellness” (Hill 2024) is also a kind of science fiction as it is based on social science evidence and builds its fictional plot firmly embedded into the social and psychological research. The attachment of references (and defending the print of those in translation) underlines the commitment to write a new type of “social science fiction”.
In this innovative style the scientific basis of psychology and sociology is then extrapolated into a fictional arrangement. Research on subjective well-being with the U-shaped form over the life course and the extrapolation of the placebo effect, which is instrumentalized for a business, derive from key topics in the social sciences. In fact, the novel and the background scientific literature in the bibliography could well figure in a social science course at university entry level. These readings constitute a 360-degree-view on personal development and social structures. Of course, social sciences move on and add new evidence on an almost daily basis, but the selection and arrangement of the characters create an innovative social science fiction, without some unrealistic technological extrapolation.
It strangely feels like we are already part of this social science fiction (compare “Klara and the sun” by Ishiguro) as politicians advocate and campaign with placebo topics in elections and project us into some more happy past or future.
The social science fiction of Nathan Hill resembles for me the great utopian novel by George Orwell “1984” published in 1948. A title “2032” instead of “Wellness” could have worked quite well, as the first edition of Nathan Hill’s social science fiction was published already in 2023. (Image: Extract of: Lo Spagnolo, 1665-1747, Hecuba makes Polymnestor blind, MRBAB).
Not learning
For decades our attention has been focused on how learning works. However, at the beginning of 2025 it might be more important to shift our focus of learning research on “not learning”. Recent research on learning includes the study of “social learning” of mice (Winiarski et al. 2025) and the related brain mechanisms that are involved in social learning like the prelimbic cortex.
For our human societies we also rely to a great deal on social learning. In mice, however, the disruption of the prelimbic cortex causes mice to no longer seek “social information related to rewards” from other mice. In Eco-HAB cages these mice follow their scent capabilities to “sort” their information seeking from for example higher “social status animals”. This tested reward seeking behavior allows clues to how learning works. The intervention to disrupt the synaptic plasticity in a later phase of the experiment reveals less social learning from the network social information and fewer contributions to the social network.
Only intact neural plasticity in the prelimbic cortex ensures the maintaining of the social structure. Of course it is highly questionable, whether these results based on animal experiments tell us anything about social structure and social learning in other mammals, but there might be reasons to search for explanations of “no social learning” in humans as well.
Wellness Sickness
There appears to be some kind of a relationship between the 2 conepts of wellness and sickness. Some would argue that the more sick you are, the more you seek wellness. Sickness seems to be the precursor of wellness for many people. Wellbeing or happiness are even higher order concepts which are only indirectly related to wellness. In an almost 600 pages science and fiction novel, Nathan Hill (Link) constructs his plot based on the psychological research on the placebo effect. With a sufficient aura around a pseudo-medication administered in a wellness clinic, the clients or some figure near the 50% random positive effects are treated with at least no negative side effects. On page 152 we find the more explicit description of how to induce a placebo effect in participants. Context, expectations, faith, symbols, metaphors and story are all ingredients for a placebo effect to work. Sometmes without knowing we receive a treatment in our childhood or throughout the life course that we work on using placebo effects to overcome them. The novel by Hill (2024) is a well researched psychological as well as sociological fiction including a bibliography, which reminds us „If you cling too hard to what you want to see, you miss what’s really there.“ (p. 496).
Career Criminals
From a life course perspective it is not easy to define a colloquial term like career criminal. A person who has been convicted for a single crime and has served his/her sentence should be allowed full integration into society. Even a repeated offender should not be stigmatized or labeled as career criminal. However, this is exactly what the NS-state did (traveling exhibition across Germany and Austria: „Die Verleugneten“). These persons were subject to targeted charges for criminal offenses they „might“ commit eventually. The term „community alien“ or „asocial“ were also used to refer to persons that did not fit into the dominant Nazi doctrine of „Volk“. It took 75 years until these persons could receive a recognition and a recompense for their unfounded discrimination and incarceration. In concentration camps the so-called asocial or career criminals were at the highest risk of further prosecution and death. Great that the stumbling Stones include these victims as well, as a way to remember these crimes against humanity. Beware of definitions of social groups which are based on totalitarian ideologies.
Question Tomorrow
« Tomorrow is the question ». This is the imprint on the 8 table tennis tables in the Martin Gropius Bau 2024. As part of the Contemporary art exhibition by the artist Rirkrit Tiravanija, the tables are very busy throughout the day and invite people to meet, play and greet. If tomorrow is the question, today is the answer. Is it? Maybe the answer is the day after tomorrow? Time appears to be the answer and the question. Such questions touch on basic philosophical questions about our relationship to and concept of time. Future orientation or even the belief in life after death touch upon basic religious beliefs. Intergenerational transmission is useless if there is no tomorrow or concept of tomorrow. Sustainability is most relevant if we are convinced there will be a tomorrow. Fatalists or warmongers rate today so much more than tomorrow that everything is subordinated to the urgency of now. Not easy to strike the right balance between „for now“ and „for tomorrow“. Simple financial discounting of benefits which accrue only tomorrow do not solve the urgency issue of behavioral concerns. My personal discounted value of ice cream tomorrow might be superior to ice cream now, but it is based on the tacit assumption that the shop still exists tomorrow or any other time in the future. The exhibition invites people not only to play table tennis but also to discuss the question of tomorrow across language barriers and across tables and cultures.
Sociology in Art
Sociologists study and teach a lot about social capital. James Coleman and Pierre Bourdieu each have coined social capital as a major foundation of societies. Therefore, the exhibition of the artist Rirkrit Tiravanija “happiness is not always fun” in the Martin Gropius Bau (Image below) is interesting beyond a justification art for art’s sake.
What does Tiravanija tell us about happiness and social capital we did not know before? The artist went to a Chicago based art school, hence, it is likely that he has been confronted with the concept of “social capital” by Chicago sociologist James Coleman. The Berlin exhibition of Tiravanija can be walked along and experienced through the lens of the creation of social capital as a form of art. Art raises awareness to the importance of social capital for the ways we live together and form communities. The Berlin exhibition, meeting place or play ground is worth multiple visits as the participatory experience changes each time. In each of the rooms we reflect on our cultural practices like sports, music, printing or cooking as forms to create community. Each time we take home a little bit of social capital as well. “Happiness is not always fun”, but for sure You’ll have many happy moments throughout the visit of the exhibition. The guided tour by curator Yasmil Raymond (2024-12-19) added yet another little bit of spice to the exhibits. For a few moments we felt like a strong link between Chicago and Berlin, just like those sociologists in Berlin who studied and continue to study James Colemen’s foundations of social theory.
Kids Space
Political claims to reserve more space for kids in cities have a tough time. Kindergardens or child care in general are scarce and the lobby for kids is often limited in time and extent, since it is the parents that usually are the ones to advocate while their children are small. Jointly parents and children of young age experience the tough atmosphere to find, preserve or extend the space for kids.
The Gropius Bau in Berlin has opened up an exhibition space reserved to children 3+ as part of an art project “BauBau” designed by Kertin Brätsch 2024. A colorful room and installations as “loose parts” are the starting point to delve into a real/fantastic world were kids reign. There are a few so-called “playworkers”, who accompany the endeavours, if need be. At the end of the day the room was still in pretty good shape I would say assuming that “children set the tone and decide what happens in this place”. Safe and supportive environments for children are scarce and parents are always challenges in their attention to watch out for risks of all sorts in public city spaces.
Even if the “play space” is free of charge, it takes parents or kindergarden managers to reserve the space.
An early experience of a museum from the inside is likely to have lasting effects on children and the parents. They might have fond memories of a museum as an exciting space also for them. It constitutes a nice continuation of the outdoor “radical playground” project during summer 2024.
Health data
2025 will be a crucial year for health data across the EU. Germany introduced the electronic patient card, which can store basic information to then access data in the health insurance cloud for medical doctors, hospitals and other related health services. Potentially this is a great step ahead as some tests do not have to be repeated if they had been completed recently before already.
In pseudomised form, research may draw samples from such databases to enhance our science based understanding of disease. The evaluation of public health interventions becomes easier and medium and long term efficiency of measures can be assessed in many instances.
The Belgian research using health data has met to discuss the potential and limitations to link health data to other data sources to allow more complete and more complex analyses of health and disease processes. Another extensive data source sits on our smartphone. Collection of steps walked, sleep patterns or heart beats give valuable insights into a person’s own contribution and care about personal health. Although data are frequently incomplete, researchers are used to estimate missing data on the basis of existing or comparable person’s data. The basis for improving health for all are quite promising, data handling and linking them will be a challenge to the competence of all stakeholders and everyone involved in better health. It will be stressful before it becomes a routine.
String Quartets
There is a plural form of Quartet. Philip Glass has composed a piece for 3 string quartets. Thanks to the Kronos Quartet performing and celebrating in Brussels, modern compositions are continuously added to the repertoire written for and performed by string quartets. Contrary to received wisdom the tradition of string quartets is still alive and kicking. At Bozar (Brussels) the marathon performance of 27 quartets, not all at once, but spread over a day and several locations, afforded a great free-of-charge opportunity to wipe off the dust from the sometimes rather introverted form of string quartets. Despite the high share of young musicians who performed well at the occasion, the afternoon focused more on new compositions. Concerning the audience, however, there is still an older age bias in listeners, more the standard Bozar clientele so far.
The afternoon reminded me on listening CDs entitled: “I don’t like classic music, but this one I do”. Many people came for art exhibitions at Bozar, but then (re-)discovered on the sideline the atmosphere of chamber music at this occasion. Closing the age and social gap in classical music is quite a challenge. It is surely more like a marathon than just a few sprints here and there. The new format at Bozar in cooperation with the Kronos Fifty for the Future Marathon will sooner or later find extended audiences beyond the happy few this time. I would recommend listening to string quartet music more often until the “Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)” will be the new hype.
Book Value
What is the value of a book? For the author of a book each book s/he has written or sweated the value of the accomplishment is pretty high. From the publisher’s perspective a book is an investment and sometimes a very risky one. The book store makes choices and takes the risk to devote time and effort to select the bestselling books or the best one suited to the local or passing audiences. Next in line are librarians who either stock everything published in a specific language or country (legal deposit) or select from the offer according to perceived interests of their subscribers. On the way to their audience many mistakes may occur. Books miss their targets or librarians go wild in their efforts to guard or discard books. In any case, many books do not find their audience. Some sit on shelves for years and will never be touched by anybody. Other ones pass from one hand to the other rapidly with long waiting lists.
Even if many conservationists don’t like it, it is the use of books that honors books and authors. Pocket books play a specific role in this link of readers and writer. Use rather than conservation, is the prime role of these lighter versions of books. They also have to endure heavy weather, scratches and folding of persons focused on content rather than precious form.
Last but not least in line comes the market for recycled books. Re-use of read or unread books has increased over years and some readers are happy to discover a discarded book from a previous owner (public or private). The value of a book lies in most cases in the eye of the reader. This then makes it an object of competitive marketing and continuous auctioneering.
(Image: pocket books at display of Popular heritage Lost and Found at the Royal library of Belgium 2024.

Degré zéro
As all of us use GPS systems to navigate across the world or just in your city, “degré zéro” might nowadays be associated first of all with the prime meridian 0° longitude, which runs through Greenwich near London and around the globe.
In « Le degré zéro de l’écriture », Roland Barthes (1953) challenges the bourgeois kind of writing of literature. He introduced the pertinent distinction of the verticality of writing styles in the sense of social classes as well as the horizontal form of spoken language He further distinguished écriture as a person’s style which is embedded into the historical and social context of her/his time. As a radical change, Barthes proposed to use scriptor instead of writer as the latter expression is too much loaded with the historical package of the person. Barthes inserts the scriptor as écrivain into her/his time and insists on the intellectual and social context of writing or the author.
As the scriptor (p. 26) does not escape to become a writer « écrivain «, the degree zero de l’écriture postulates a homogeneous society, which obviously is an ill-conceived vision of reality. Language and texts, therefore, are not universal in kind, but bound to situations, which are defined in historical time and space (p. 67). Semiotics was a major field of his analyses of literature and language.
Whereas in a talk you might focus on the person you are talking to, in a written text the other person is « the many » readers, wherever they are and maybe at a much later time as well. There is a qualitative difference and yet modern “voice to text” transcription makes all spoken words immediately available as written document or “compte rendu”. (Source: Roland Barthes: De la parole à l’écriture. in Le grain de la voix, Entretien 1962-1980. p. 12).
Let’s watch our language as we follow the longitude or latitude around the globe and even small deviations from degree zero matter a lot.
Legal devices
In the 1st chapter of “The code of capital”, Pistor (2019, p.3) specifies the 6 major modules of the code that creates a lot of wealth, but is also eager to keep it to a few privileged persons in society. In order of appearance and not exclusively they are: “contract law, property rights, collateral law, trust, corporate, and bankruptcy law. In these modules 4 major attributes of assets are defined for the holder and later exercised courts as well as other state institutions: (1) priority, (2) durability, (3) universality, and (4) convertibility. In other words, the legal devices rank claims in a qualitative sorted order and guarantee the value of such claims over time and space. The fatal vice of the device is the convertibility of private claims in to one against the state as the ultimate insurance against a risk of credit default by other parties. Similar to bitcoins today, the financial derivatives make it possible to “create money” out of nothing, just like a “deus ex machina”. The states had and still have no control over this “artificial creation of money without being linked to a kind of reserve value.
Such intangible assets may contribute to wealth creation as tools that facilitate a faster turnover of goods and services in an economy or between countries and thereby create corresponding real value. The control of trade and currencies, however, becomes also subject of additional possibilities of fraud and crime. Here again it is the legal system that is challenged to protect the application and efficient functioning of the 6 major modules of the code of capital. The concerns of inequality in and through law are relegated to politics and policies within single states.
The final chapter 9 states rather bluntly: “capital rules by law” (p.205), but it enumerates several ways, how to curtail this code of capital. Tax sheltering in other countries or taxation by choice of country should be made more difficult. Blacklisting is efficient in most cases (p. 225). Arbitration might work if somehow an equality of power is achievable. Internalization of externalities is easier said than done, but needs to be considered right from the beginning of changing laws. Purely speculative contracts should be referred to “casinos” and betting instances and no longer be eligible for business contracts. The revision of the education of lawyers is another part of the counter measures. The autopoiesis of the legal system and its profession has been highlighted by Niklas Luhmann before. A great deal of the difficulties we face with the code of capital appears to be due to the self-referential exclusionary practice of legal devices. We have to bring society back into the discourse of law in order to preserve democratic structures and the equality of chances in society.
The strength of “collective rights” in labour law, of cooperatives or the share economy allow for potential remedies to the hijack of law through capital and exchange markets. Open source movements as in software creation are forward-looking models that the creative commons licensing for security, but also equality purposes. Employees’ input in the process of capital creation should be rewarded and codified accordingly. Last, but not least, countries will have to reclaim legal authority in parts of law that affects “the wealth of a nation” and its distribution. Similar to “no taxation without representation” we should claim “no legislation on us, without us”. The role of legal advisory firms to draft laws outside of parliament has probably gone too far already. The task of politicians to understand the consequences of what they vote for in parliament has become more and more difficult, yet there is no way around a drastic increase in competences, legal and otherwise.
Law has entered almost all domains of life. This has a lot of positive effects. Law in general, we tend to believe, has an intrinsic link to justice. If you go to court after failed attempts of mediation you will get a judgement(s) from several instances at times and with substantial delays. Justice, however, is a much more complex issue. Ethical concerns enter the stage as well as the ability and willingness to devote substantial resources to support a legitimate or legal claim. A kind of balance of power appears to be a necessary precondition for justice to be achieved. Of course, jurisdification is a process, where time plays to the advantage of one or the other side of contestants. The book by Katharina Pistor, “The code of capital. How the law creates wealth and inequality” has highlighted the importance of the legal intermediaries in the juridification and codification of modern societies. The basis of today’s capitalism relies on an expansive definition of what constitutes capital. The transformation of debt into a product, which can be traded by a “second hand” rather than the “invisible hand”, had created a warning to societies that the extension of rights and volumes led to a financial crash of the most powerful economies. The states, i.e. taxpayers, had to step in to guarantee credits taken out by banks and other financial institutions and ensure the solvability of underwritten debt. The state guaranteed for losses of capital and enforced the rule that deficits had to be shared among all. A well calculated bankruptcy of the system was then managed by lawyers and bankers rather than the politically elected representatives of the people.
The juridification has been extended to intellectual property rights as well. This made the fruits of intellectual property tradeable. It is rarely the authors that negotiate translation rights or the use of a novel as a screenplay. You better rely on a specialised lawyer to assist you in the national or transnational defence of intellectual property rights.
Artificial intelligence relies on huge data inputs. It is not an easy task to define ownership of data, especially of what we believe are “your own” data. Juridification means that a process of narrowing down definitions or the opposite, absence of a proper definition, creates market opportunities to trade data and the right to collect or use those data for specific or encompassing purposes.
Are we still all equal in front of the law? Or do the better informed have a significant advantage over the rest of society? Financial resources play a vital in the legal system as well. Collective solutions, like associations of consumers or trade unions, have demonstrated that they may operate as a societal antidote in the biased codification of capital. Democracies are well advised to open their eyes to the blind spots in the “regard” of justitia.
(Image: Auguste Rodin, Cariatide à la pierre, enlarged bronze statue in Paris)
Sexual harassment
Under the broader topic of violence against women, we count gender-based harassment at work. The recent report of a survey based on more than 100.000 persons in the European Union in 2021 shows the shocking amount of violence in the last 12 months as well as violence experienced over a lifetime. (Source Eurostat Link to pdf report) These data have to be interpreted with care since it is a well known statistical phenomenon that in some countries such misbehavior is reported and talked about more easily and openly than in other countries. Therefore, the countries with the highest figures, for example in Nordic countries, there it is safe to talk about the issue (Nordic paradox), whereas in other countries violence against women and sexual harassment at work are still much less talked about and addressed in public. Italy even deviated from the joint EU data collection.
It is important to address the topic in the media and lift the cover-up attempts in many societies. This is a process over time, but it is important to continuously raise awareness about the problem. We have made a lot of progress on more equal treatment of women in recent years in most European societies. However, the is need for a “zero tolerance” of violence against women and the sexual harassment at work, which prevents women to take equal shares across all professions. Monitoring the process is an important step, which is necessary to target safety measures in a better way. Further details of the statistics are needed as well to address intersectionality as well. Young women tend to suffer more than older ones. Maybe the latter ones have learned to be more careful to avoid or evade critical situations. It is, however, men who have to reconsider their behaviour towards women at every age, at work as well as at home.
On Keys
Keys may open multiple doors. Even a single key can open many locks, if constructed in the appropriate way. The obverse of key is also key, at least in the function of keys to lock doors. Hence the trick of the key is its dialectic function (open/close) of access. We practice the functioning of this binary thinking (1= open, 0= closed) several times a day. Even binary thinking can become very complex in case you consider a bunch of keys or organized as a ring of keys. With a plurality of locations or rooms (home, work, leisure) the uncertainty to have the fitting key to the lock in question at your disposable becomes a bit of a puzzle. Here we are, trial and error enter the stage for most of us. Don’t worry, there are digital tools to solve the problem for you, but then the whole issue of trust comes into play more forcefully. Sharing is not only caring, but also daring. Transponders replace keys and passwords have become the new “passe partout”. This leads to the brave new world of encryption as the keyfactor for security. Encryption is key. Are you already encrypting or still turning keys?
Keys are key to understanding as well. Artists in Berlin-Schöneberg combined the portraits of persons and their bundles of keys next to each other. Keys seem to reveal key personality traits of a person. Life course researchers may investigate the “first ownership” of a key to a room, an apartment or the family home as a factor of independence, even freedom to move. Handing over the keys of a car or your home to a significant other may mark looming restrictions due to health issues.
Anyway, what is your favourite key in music? More a fan of serial music or 12-tone music?
On Woke-ability
The past particle of “to awake” is “woke“. As early as the 1960s the term woke has appeared in a New York Times article to reflect the idea that in the African-American History movement you woke up to a new movement, leaving behind discriminatory practice and rhetoric. The definition of woke in dictionaries refers to an awareness of social facts and injustices. Additionally, the use of woke has implied a need to act upon injustices due to social and/or ethnic origin. Elements of the woke movement were the use of more general non-discriminatory terms like people of color (POC) in official documents and revisions of textbooks for pupils. Subsequently, the application of the term woke spread to other social concerns like the discrimination of LGTBQ+ people in many societies.
The underlying concern was and still is (1) to recognize the discrimination and disadvantages faced by many groups in society and (2) a call for changing the way we talk about it and (3) a shift of policies to counter social injustices. Societies differ in the capacity of “woke-ability”, i.e. the capability to address social inequalities of various types including intersectionality. Societies have never simply been only homogenous. Heterogeneity, plurality and complexity are much better suited to represent societies, regions or countries. It is our willingness to deal with these complexities in an open way which includes the “woke-ability” of social phenomena. Acknowdge a social problem and act upon it. Change the way we talk about a problem and the discoursive practice in general are important steps to address old and new social problems. For example, over the last 50years the discourse with respect to handicapped persons has evolved and the Paris 2024 Paralympics have made this clear to the public on a global scale.
(Image: Installation of Daniel Boyd in the Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin 2023)
On Dosage
- Dosage is key. We all know it from everyday expériences. Certainly from drinking alcohol we know the tricks that dosage can have on us. Consumption in small doses is fine and enjoyable, but larger amounts cause all sorts of trouble. In pharmacology the effect of dosage is applied with particular virtue. Small doses even of a poison can have beneficial effects. More of rhe same might well kill you. The same rationale applies to other fields as well. Physiological training effects depend a lot on the right amount of training and the timings or intervals between training sessions. In managerial, economic or social applications the question is not only about what is the right remedy, but also how much of it. The interest rate decisions of central bankers are mostly concerned with dosage rather than « whatever it takes ». A minimum wage increase is equally about dosage and we all have additional examples.
Even in art, take painting or music, dose and pose, that is the question. It is quite surprising that such an overarching issue has received rather little attention, comparatively or only among specialists in each field.
It appears strange, but it is possible to have only a little bit of war, as opposed to comprehensive conflict. The applications of dosage are manifold.
Learning about dosage might prevent binge learning at first and binge viewing later on. In the age of tiktok and social media, dosage has become a key competence. (Image Extract of Gustave Courbet Die Welle 1870, Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin).
On Intersectionality
Society deals with individualization or individualism in various forms. One way is to take each social group as a specific singular case. This is reasonable and justified in many instances. There are cases where this form of dealing with specific social groups comes to limits. Following the rationale of plurality and individualism it has become common practice to address each target group in a specific manner. Intersectionality, however, acknowledges the overlapping of target groups, which necessitates a more specialized approach to intersecting (social) phenomena. Gender might not be the single most important factor to describe a person, just as age is a concept of various intersections. Chronological age versus age defined through biomarkers demonstrate the variety and potential for intersectionality. The Paralympics 2024 in Paris gave another positive example of intersectionality as extraordinary persons achieved previously unimaginable world records in specicialized disciplines. Individualization and classification is only a first step in the scientific endeavour, the analysis of intersectionality is an additional step to consider in a broad range of fields beyond the social sciences.
(Image: Exposition Isa Genzken 75/75 in Neue Nationalgalerie 2023)
In The month of November we commemorate those who died and particularly all those who died in the combat for freedom and democracy. The Russian aggression does not show many signs of ending the killing of soldiers and civilians on both sides. Ukrainian forces struggle to resist the Russian occupation of its territory as Russia is sacrificing thousands of lives for small gains of territory it is unlikely to defend in the coming months if Ukraine possesses longer reach weapons. A new spiral of an apocalypse is most probably the result of the Russian insistence on external aggression to cover up more internal problems. A lost generation of young soldiers who died in combat or suffered mutilation will be the outcome of these atrocities. The inflationary effects of wheat and energy prices globally have caused additional casualties in countries that had absolutely no stakes in this war. Russia is to blame for those additional casualties as well as the adverse effects on the world‘s climate due to the fighting and destroyed materials that need replacing later on. The young Russian generation will have to stand up against Putin‘s call to war and put down their weapons. This is one way to end the spiral toward yet another apocalyptic experience in Europe and the silent killing through hunger beyond Europe. (Image: BNF Paris, Apocalypses 2024)