Post Archive

The daily blog entries accumulate rapidly. For ease of access we shall provide a monthly collection of entries. The monthly format allows for various outlets. The pdf-format is ready for printing (please consider carefully whether this is necessary), but the electronic version has the manifold links to sources and additional information or documentation. You may jump more readily even to previous blog entries and get lost in translation. The entries jump between English and German entries. Modern online services allow for easy translations if needed. It is so far ordered in a kind of retrospective version starting with the last months January 2024 1st-31st, then December 2023 1st-31st … . Please let me know if you encounter difficulties of access or lengthy downloads. Back to most recent blog entry here.

Chronicle of Monthly Blog Entries: pdf-files for download.
Since daily images are included, files size maybe a concern for some. Please read online rather than printed versions, you have the benefit of direct links to delve deeper into each topic. Blog posts “Brain and storming”
2024 May (2024 5)
2024 April (2024 4)
2024 March  (2024 3)
2024 February (2024 2)
2024 January (Brainstorming 2024)

2023 December (Brainstorming 23-12)
2023 November (Brainstorming 23-11)
2023 October (Brainstorming 23-10)
2023 September (Brainstorming 23-9)
2023 August (Brainstorming 23-8)
2023 July (Brainstorming 23-7)
2023 June (Brainstorming 23-6)
2023 May (Brainstorming 23-5)
2023 April (Brainstorming 23-4)
2023 March (Brainstorming 23-3)
2023 February (Brainstorming 23-2)
2023 January (Brainstorming 23-1)

2022 December (Brainstorming 22-12)
2022 November (Brainstorming 22-11)
2022 January – October (Brainstorming 22 Months 1-10)

2021 July – December (Brainstorming 21 7-12)
2021 January -June (Brainstorming 21 1-6)

EPUB 3.0 format here downloadable from MyCloud:
file size 10-20 MByte, but fewer files →
After download, please open in ebook reader (books …) from smartphone or any other device. External links open in your favourite browser to follow evidence or links to further information.
2023 1-4     2023 5-8     2023 9-12          2024 1-2    2024 3-5
Readable as a page turner Flipbook
2024 March.
2024 January – February.
2023 September – December
2023 May – August
2023 January – April

Special Collections: Flipbook
Reader on Artificial Intelligence AI April 2024.
Downloads may take a bit longer

updated Reader version June 2024 as .pdf-file only AI and Society(2)