There are a few very popular places that many people want to see or experience by themselves. In the Moselle valley Bernkastel-Kues is such a place. The small mediaeval market place with tiny houses, built with massive wooden structures attract a lot of visitors. Arriving by car or bus has created a mess around the place. Arrival by ship is even worse. Masses of people make a short stop and pour into the small city. Many places that become popular through Instagram, tik-tok or vimeo or youtube videos have a similar fate. Over tourism is no fun for locals. Some business interests thrive selling gadgets made in China to more and more Chinese tourist groups. This is probably the worst- case scenario.
Watching the ships pass by is somehow the better option. Watching the rowing sportspersons is even more interesting. Reflecting on sustainable development is a by-product. Tourism of the masses is part of the problem, Rowing couples part of the solution.