Proud to be part of the European Trade Union Congress. We take so many things for granted that we no longer really aware of the importance they have for our daily lives. Trade unions are part of these things. We only start to miss them when we no longer can count on their impact on legislation or collective bargaining as well collective agreements. In Ukraine 🇺🇦 lots of things we take for granted were destroyed by Russia from one day to the other. We learn from their courage to defend our common values like the freedom of association to form a truly independent trade union and to decide yourself which other unions in Europe to associate with. The Ukrainian unions made their choice and they are proud and committed members of the ETUC as of May 2023. Great to have met you in Berlin. We have a lot to defend together. Basic human rights and workers including their families need their and our support. This will remain a priority as well as a challenge. Thank you for the sticker on the wall of greetings for 50th anniversary of the ETUC.