Books E-Books FlipBooks

“Paris and the Olympic Games 2024” is a small reader on social science perspectives on Urban Planning, Realizations and the city’s preparation and presentation of the Olympic Games in Summer 2024.
Only one more click to free content:
Flipbook Paris and Olympics 2024.
More traditional readers may use the 16 MB Pdf-Version,  or the enhanced epub3 format (EPUB3) with adequate apps.

A first reader on Artificial Intelligence (AI) was published on this site in June 2024. Flipbook: Reader on Artificial Intelligence AI April 2024,
also downloadable as .pdf-file AI and Society(2).

More edited volumes by myself will follow soon. In the meantime use the search function or the keywords sections on the front page to delve into subject areas of your own interest and thereby edit your own online version as blog sequence. These are ordered chronologically from the latest one to the previous ones, but not from past to today like reading a diary or a conventional textbook.
Hence for a reader on Europe you follow the tag “Europe” or “EU“. It might make you wonder about the difference between the 2 entries and here we are in the middle of the content. Just follow your journey through with keywords or tags like “law“, “technology” or “skills” and your journey takes you through the marvels of a knowledge space created in about 2 years time.
Or take time to “read on time“.