Less is better

There is an interesting psychological phenomenon which is called the less-is-better effect. First research on this phenomenon dates back to marketing research more than 25 years ago. The Olympic games have even a mention on the English Wikipedia page on this less-is-better effect. The winner of a bronze medal at the Olympics might feel more happy than the winner of a silver medal. Why? Viewed as separate events winning a bronze medal makes can make you so much happier, because you are among the famous group of medallists in your discipline or with your team, whereas as a silver medallist you might be so disappointed that you did not reach the gold medal that this overrides the joy to come 2nd instead of 3rd. Several interviews of athletes during the Paris 2024 Games gave evidence of the pertinence of this less-is-better effect.
There are other forms of application of this rationale as well. A more sociological perspective highlights the potential change of category from less is more to the less-is-better rationale. One variable assessed in less and more frequency or value maybe better or worse in another category. Less pollution leads to better health. It is like a shift from a quantitative variable to a qualitative assessment of the same situation. Olympic Games are full of useful lessons from a social science point of view. Although, more can be worse.

Olympic Democracy

It is interesting to follow how the Olympic Games follow a moderate version of how to run a democracy. Paris 2024 takes pride in making this a little bit more visible. It is the people in democracies who decide whether to host Olympic games in their country and the many executive branches of governments have to coordinate their actions, budgets and planning accordingly. The National Assembly in Paris 2024 is showing its commitment to the Games in front of the building as well. Beyond the ancient discipline of archery, new disciplines like surfing is turned into a piece of art like a statue honoring the athletes. The IOC follows the division of powers with an assembly of states, an executive and the judiciary. In each discipline it is evident that without a well established and accepted independent judges the Games would become a farce and would no longer attract such huge crowds. It is a steep challenge to ensure that doping and other illegal activities do not destroy the peaceful spirit of the Olympic Games. Science has a role to play in advancing and controlling the athletes and their teams acting under cover. All in all, we find democracy in a nutshell including the necessary trust in institutions to ensure a fair running of the Games in Paris 2024.

Olympic Celebrating

Paris 2024 gives lots of reasons to celebrate athletes and teams. France has already achieved a large number of medals and shops in Paris start to decorate their windows with their emotional expressions of various forms. Merchandising seems to work well and some shops add a personal touch to special heroes. Walking the marvelous streets of Paris from one monument to the next is a pleasure as the streets are surprisingly empty and many are closed for cars and lorries. Hence, walking in Paris is a rather healthy exercise at this special moment in time. It is a great way to welcome all nations to Paris and allow a rather stressless visit of the city and its tourist attractions. Riding bicycles and buses becomes a pleasure too as roads are rather empty and circulating around the city is much easier than at any time before and probably after as well. Thanks for the great experience and the welcoming atmosphere.

Park Le Nôtre

Landscapes and gardens maybe occasions of splendid design. Paper and pencil designs or oil on canvas have left us with great imaginations of gardens as well as parks. The garden designer Le Nôtre in France has left us unforgettable, fantastic landscapes that have been originally realized 300 years ago, but has still many people you are impressed when looking or walking in them. One of the earliest projects is to be admired in Meaux just next to the cathedral. The design of the “jardin Bossuet” is attributed to Le Nôtre who later designed the park in the “Chateaux Vaux-le-Vicomte”. These accomplishments earn him the invitation also to design the gardens of Versailles. As part of the Paris 2024 Olympics the whole world was able to watch some of the horse mounted competitions there. Architecture leaves us impressions over centuries. Gardens are the most natural part of this cultural heritage.

Meaux France

Calendar Time

We all use calendars to organize our time almost unconsciously. This is helpful to organize and synchronize our time together. Working time, family and individual time tend to use the same time structure to facilitate community. Work arrangements depend a lot on a common method to structure time. The work-life balance hinges a lot on synchronization of calendars and joint time slots. Towards the end of the annual vacation period in Europe the annualized change of calendars is still common practice despite most people going digital. Annual overviews allow to allocate and potentially synchronize calendars for major events or periods (next break, period devoted to learning, family planning etc.). A cleavage that differentiated Europe in the analogous times was that some countries like Germany use(d) chronological calendars running from 1st of January until 31st of December and counting calendar weeks (1-52). Many other countries have long ago moved on to “functionalist” calendars running based on the school year from 1st of September to 31st of August each year. Different planning horizons appear to be the obvious outcome. Whereas the former might focus on the planning of the end of the calendar year 2023, the latter functionalist calendars begin to structure the new year-long period 2023-24 including the next summer break towards the end of the next schooling year.
In France you start end of August 2023 to plan ahead until end of August 2024. This comprises the Olympic games in Paris 2024. Don’t worry, most tickets are sold out already and attributed through lotteries. When people in Germany start to buy calendars for 2024 and organize a printed calendar, this occurs traditionally around Christmas time and New Year’s celebrations.
Specific professions follow their own calendar time. Academic years or accounting years may well differ from the other annualised organisation of time through calendars. Of course, religions have established their own calendars just as migrating birds or French revolutionaries in the 18th century. Meteorological calendars or sensor-based structuring of annual sequences of seasons like in trees, plants or insects add to the impression of the existence of multiple clocks.
A de-synchronisation of these multiple calendars increases the need to coordinate societies within or society and the economy, religion or ecology. I liked my printed calendars over the years. Now I shall print different versions for different countries and functions. I still wonder, if my life got easier or more complex. Probably, it has only become easier to organise complexity and diversity. Clock 6 video


5000 Köpfe. Wer war was im Dritten Reich” enthält eine alphabetische Liste der Hauptschuldigen und Belasteten. Gut, dass es dazu bereits auf Wikipedia eine kleine Diskussion gibt mit weiterführenden Literaturhinweisen. Die viel jüngeren ausführlich recherchierten Arbeiten zu den Kreisleitern in Süddeutschland haben 250 Mitwirkende gebraucht, damit eine gründliche Archivarbeit möglich wurde. Zu der Recherche von Dr. Proske u.a. lässt sich lediglich das Organigramm zu den Funktionsbereichen eines typischen Kreisleiters ergänzen. Eine solche Übersicht verdeutlicht, woher die Analogie mit den “kleinen Herrgöttern” kommt. Machtfülle, angehäuft in einer Person, erleichtert selbstherrliche Willkür in der Amtsausübung. Das gleiche Verhalten findet sich bei den berufsspezifischen Biografien zu den Planern und Architekten in der Ausstellung “Macht Raum Gewalt” der Akademie der Künste, die damit gleichzeitig eine Aufarbeitung dieser Profession leistet. Viel lieber würdige ich hier die Biografien der deutschsprachigen Frauen, die sich couragiert der französischen Résistance angeschlossen haben und ihr Leben riskiert und vielfach verloren haben. Positive Leitbilder brauchen wir, besonders wieder in Zeiten in denen Zivilcourage nötig ist, nicht nur in Deutschland.


Wenn Demokratien den Demos fürchten und es vorziehen mit Verordnungen zu regieren, dann wachsen die energischen Verteidigenden der demokratischen Prozesse. Frankreich erlebt das Szenario im Ringen um Macht zwischen Exekutive, Legislative, Judikative und dem Willen des Volkes jenseits der festen Fristen von Wahlperioden. Die “Ligue des droits de l’homme” hat das gut formuliert und ruft zu Aktivitäten in mehreren Feldern auf. Aus einer sozialen Krise wird rasch eine Krise der Demokratie von größerem Ausmaß, davon ist auch Frankreich, wie viele andere europäische Staaten nicht gefeit. Demokratie ist kein “Menu à la Carte”, wo ich die Bereiche für demokratische Prozesse aussuchen kann, die mir am besten passen. Macht geht immer dann verloren, wenn sie sich nur noch auf sich selbst berufen kann.


Für viele schwierige Situationen braucht es Eisbrecher. Im übertragenen Sinne jedenfalls erfüllen täglich Hund, Katze, Maus diese Funktion. Sich unbefangen über Tiere unterhalten, sich dabei näherkommen oder einfach nur in Kontakt treten, wird heute von PsychologInnen vielen Personen empfohlen. Das war schon bei den Ägyptern und Römern so. Im späten Mittelalter, seit den Verwerfungen in Europa durch die Reformation und Glaubenskriege, brauchte es ebenfalls solche Hilfsmittel für Durchbrüche in der Diplomatie. Der Roman von Nils Minkmar „Montaignes Katze“ strickt seine Geschichte über Geschichte und Ideengeschichte im Mittelalter um eine solche Anekdote. Kinder können ebenfalls solche Anlässe bieten, Menschen zusammen zu bringen und zu vermitteln. Erfahrene Ältere, die sich nach weniger Turbulenz, aber mehr Toleranz sehnen auch.
Diplomatische Missionen, wie sie Montaigne aufgetragen wurden, haben etwas mit Pferdeflüstern, Katzenflüstern oder eben Majestätsflüstern zu tun. Wie bringe ich einen in seiner Rolle hinreichend zufriedenen, desillusionierten Herrschenden dazu eine Mission anzunehmen, die äußerst ungemütlich, wenn nicht tödlich enden kann? Ein neues Narrativ muss her. Eine erhellende Inszenierung gehört ebenfalls dazu. Genau das erzählt das diplomatische Lehrstück von Nils Minkmar am Beispiel der Zeit des späteren Heinrichs des Vierten. Die eindrückliche Statue lässt sich heute in Paris bewundern, aber kaum eine/r der Passanten interessiert sich noch für die Geschichten dazu.
Noch interessant für uns? Sicherlich. Üben in Toleranz ist ein wahrlich ein lebenslanges Unterfangen und will immer wieder neu praktiziert werden. Stöbern im Werk von Montaigne ist einfach über die Uni Chicago möglich (auf französisch, bien sur) mit Schlagwörtern z.B. “cité”. 10 Einträge zum Thema Katze “chat” im Original sind ebenfalls darüber in “Les Essais” zu finden.