Nazi Doctors

The role of medical doctors during the Nazi domination in Germany has been revisited by the professional organization of statutory medical doctors (Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung KBV) in collaboration with the Center for Research on Antisemitism (ZfA TU Berlin). The exhibition entitled „Systemic Disorder“ first shown in the main entrance hall in front of a conference room offers a thorough review of the role of medical doctors throughout the Nazi period. Politically undesirable physicians were rapidly banned from the profession and promotions given to NSDAP party members. The totalitarian approach transformed the whole apparatus of the medical profession into a politically streamlined organization ready to commit crimes like forced euthanasia or selecting „insane“ persons for special medical treatments in other institutions. Selection of forced laborers for firms or declaring them unfit for work, which in many cases sent those persons to concentration camps, was part of the streamlined medical doctors. It took decades after the „Wehrmachtsausstellung“ in Hamburg that another profession has done its homework. Great to know that this important exhibition, documentation and catalog is traveling now across Germany for at least a year. It is another milestone in coming to understand how presumably intelligent people were part of a highly efficient selection and killing machine during the Nazi domination in Germany. (Image, Berlin KBV 2004, catalog p73, SystemerkrankungSystemerkrankung)