There is a plural form of Quartet. Philip Glass has composed a piece for 3 string quartets. Thanks to the Kronos Quartet performing and celebrating in Brussels, modern compositions are continuously added to the repertoire written for and performed by string quartets. Contrary to received wisdom the tradition of string quartets is still alive and kicking. At Bozar (Brussels) the marathon performance of 27 quartets, not all at once, but spread over a day and several locations, afforded a great free-of-charge opportunity to wipe off the dust from the sometimes rather introverted form of string quartets. Despite the high share of young musicians who performed well at the occasion, the afternoon focused more on new compositions. Concerning the audience, however, there is still an older age bias in listeners, more the standard Bozar clientele so far.
The afternoon reminded me on listening CDs entitled: “I don’t like classic music, but this one I do”. Many people came for art exhibitions at Bozar, but then (re-)discovered on the sideline the atmosphere of chamber music at this occasion. Closing the age and social gap in classical music is quite a challenge. It is surely more like a marathon than just a few sprints here and there. The new format at Bozar in cooperation with the Kronos Fifty for the Future Marathon will sooner or later find extended audiences beyond the happy few this time. I would recommend listening to string quartet music more often until the “Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)” will be the new hype.