Education Technology is much more than the use of tablets and Internet access in schools or in each classroom. Some schools revert to ban mobile phones access during classes or introduce specialized social media breaks during the school day. At the other end of the intelligent use of digital technology is the digital classroom with digital whiteboards in each classroom or the first fun hands-on experience with coding for primary school pupils through, for example, the “Scratch” platform. Once you are used to the power of the whiteboard to use web-based information in teaching systematically, most teachers and pupils will no longer want to miss these tools. Public libraries become important access points for those who have no speedy access at home to assist in learning. Digital tools and e-learning are an empowerment of learners to benefit from the millions of useful learning tools and platforms on the web. A first understanding of easy coding allows children to figure themselves as producer of games rather than only a consumer of fantasy games. Create your own story instead of following the stories of others is empowerment. Scratch it, if you like. The role of the teacher in classrooms is evolving fast as well beyond the 40-60 minutes slots in class. Play the games of your pupils, is a bit like a flipped classroom.
(Image: SCCON Berlin 2024 connected classroom simulation)