The process of creation in the realm of theatre performances has manifold facets. The French National Library (BNF) in Paris has received the archives of the „Théâtre du Rond-Point” in 2023 and honors the donation with a fascinating exhibition on the immense creativity of the author, scenarist and director Jean-Michel Ribes. (Image below) The professional diaries of Jean-Michel Ribes and the documentation through photographs from the performances and video extracts allow an intimate view into the hard work of producing theatrical performances, popular television shows and comedies. Jean-Michel Ribes took notes of all sorts and kept extensive lists of potential collaborators, actors, daily occurrences and just nice sounding phrases. From just a simple phrase heard on the streets he developed a small piece to be performed in shows. Listening to the people and enriching this with great actors in superb scenery made his popular success. The creativity seems to derive from ample note taking and coming back to them eventually.