Masculinity Photos

After the turn of the millennium we keep questioning us about basic principles of humanity, previously called mankind as well. The Zeitenwende has occurred through Putin and other male warriors and warmongers 2 years ago. This is reason enough to keep asking us what is behind the male visions of life and living together. Any hints from social sciences, biology and media studies are helpful to broaden and deepen our understanding of what constitutes masculinity and how it evolves over the life course and within or between societies. The collection of photographs from Jérôme Prochiantz currently exposed at the BNF enlightened the issue. Ever since Max Frisch wrote „Homo faber“ we are aware of the technological transmission process a man might be subjected to. Capturing single moments or arrangements with a lot of care for details shows maybe otherwise hidden male predilections and leaning towards abstraction. An idea or undefined vision, maybe an illusion are depicted in this revelation of masculinity at the turn of the century. Creative and destructive forces are jointly presented in this continuous questioning of masculinity. (Image: BNF, exhibition 2024-11 Jérôme Prochiantz)

Olympic Equality

Of course, first of all the Olympic Games are about making a difference with respect to your opponent. However, there has been a thrive to achieve an equality of genders for more than 100 years as well. Women had to battle such a long time to achieve the right to participate in the Games in the same disciplines as men. For the first time in Paris2024 men and women are represented with the same amounts of athletes. Each gender is participating with 5.250 athletes and astonishing progress has been made to ensure that male and female athletes perform in the same or similar disciplines. Even if it took decades for women to run a marathon at the Olympics, the inclusion of a triathlon for women was already much more rapid.
This constitutes a real milestone in the progress towards equality in Olympics. Equal numbers of athletes is a quantitative form of inclusion, the qualitative level of inclusion remains to be accomplished. The qualitative dimension consists in the inclusion of women at equal footing in media reporting and sponsoring. On the organizational level of the IOC the organizing committee is still dominated by men and statistics on the accompanying teams of coaches, therapists and representatives a lot of progress still needs to be accomplished. Paris made already a huge difference and several exhibitions of the “cultural games” around the city during the Olympics 2024 make this point quite forcefully.
The sociology of the Olympic Games has a lot of topics. It is great to see the progress made in Paris on Olympic Equality, after all “égalité” figures prominently in the definition of modern France.
(Image: BNF 2024 exhibition “A History of Women in Sport” own translation)

Social Science Experiments

In the social sciences experiments are harder to do as there are ethical concerns to offer with random assignments only some access to a treatment or a (supposedly) preferential treatment. Combet (ESR, 2024) conducted an experiment about school major choices in order to learn about gendered school subjects choices. The findings that female students tend to stay away from STEM subjects is reiterated. The question remains why the gender stereotypes are still as strong after the schooling in co-educative settings. The old question whether separate schooling might encourage female students to study more analytical rather than creative disciplines remains an issue. Boys tend to frighten away girls from science related subjects at an early age, maybe just due to excessive affinity to competition. The skill gaps in society later on are to the disadvantage of all. Additionally, lost innovation is the consequence. We know that international competition relies on those persons who combine the analytical as well as creative abilities to come up with new solutions. We dearly need to encourage all talents in society to persist in their occupational choices. (Image Painted ceiling Paris Opera Garnier by Chagall)

AI and S/he

There was hope that artificial intelligence (AI) would be a better version of us. Well, so far that seems to have failed. Let us take gender bias as a pervasive feature even in modern societies, let alone the societies in medieval or industrial age. AI tends to uphold gender biases and might even reinforce them. Why? A recent paper by Kotek, Dockum, Sun (2023) explains the sources for this bias in straightforward terms. AI is based on Large Language Models. These LLMs are trained using big detailed data sets. Through the training on true observed data like detailed data on occupation by gender as observed in the U.S. in 2023, the models tend to have a status quo bias.
This means they abstract from a dynamic evolution of occupations and the potential evolution of gender stereotypes over years. Even deriving growing or decreasing trends of gender dominance in a specific occupation the models have little ground for reasonable or adequate assessment of these trends. Just like thousands of social scientists before them. Projections into the future or assuming a legal obligation of equal representation of gender might still not be in line with human perception of such trends.
Representing women in equal shares among soldiers, 50% of men as secretaries in offices appears rather utopian in 2024, but any share in-between is probably arbitrary and differs widely between countries. Even bigger data sets may account for this in some future day. For the time being these models based on “true” data sets will have a bias towards the status quo, however unsatisfactory this might be.
Now let us just develop on this research finding. Gender bias is only one source of bias among many other forms of bias or discriminatory practices. Ethnicity, age or various abilities complicate the underlying “ground truth” (term used in paper) represented in occupation data sets. The authors identify 4 major shortcoming concerning gender bias in AI based on LLMs: (1) The pronouns s/he were picked even more often than in Bureau of Labor Statistics occupational gender representations; (2) female stereotypes were more amplified than male ones; (3) ambiguity of gender attribution was not flagged as an issue; (4) when found out to be inaccurate LLMs returned “authoritative” responses, which were “often inaccurate”.
These findings have the merit to provide a testing framework for gender bias of AI. Many other biases or potential biases have to be investigated in a similarly rigorous fashion before AI will give us an authoritarian answer, no I am free of any bias in responding to your request. Full stop.

Styles are a Changing

We all have our very own style. Even if you believe you have no style, then this will be your style. Of course, styles are changing continuously and fast fashion tries to make us believe we even ought to change as frequently as possible. Just find your style no matter of age and gender. Yes we can. Young designers test new materials and cuts to make new impressions. As science is progressing with new fibers that imitate the apparently light fur of polar bears, new designs will become feasible and enrich the list of potential fibers in clothing. In addition to seamless 3D knitting the new fiber allows to replace down with light fiber. Going out into the cold will be fun again. Want more of this, visit Fashion in Action! (Image from empty space designers webpage 2023-12-24 Berk and Julien).

Frauen! Leben! Freiheit!

Das Schicksal von Jina Mahsa Amini ist vielen bekannt. Die Ermordung in der Haft hat weltweite Aufmerksamkeit auf das Schreckensregime im Iran geworfen. Im Oktober 2023 ist nun die Kämpferin für Freiheitsrechte im Iran Narges Mohammadi auch stellvertretend für die vielen inhaftierten und ermordeten Frauen mit dem Friedensnobelpreis gewürdigt worden. Sie hat bereits viele Jahre einer zehnjährigen Haftstrafe im Gefängnis verbracht und schwere Misshandlungen erfahren.
Das Buch mit dem deutschen Titel „Frauen! Leben! Freiheit!“ ist als Rowohlt Taschenbuch im September 2023 erschienen. Es dokumentiert ihren unablässigen Kampf für Frieden und Freiheit nach ihrer rechtswidrigen und willkürlichen Verhaftung. Bereits auf dem Kongress des Europäischen Gewerkschaftsbundes (EGB) im Mai 2023 hatte die Vorsitzende des DGB Yasmin Fahimi eine Resolution vorgebracht, die die Solidarität mit den Frauen im Iran nachdrücklich betonte. Missachtung grundlegender Menschenrechte wurde verurteilt und mit überragender Mehrheit vom EGB beschlossen (Kurzvideo). Darin war sich Europa und darüber hinaus die ganze zivilisierte Welt einig. Jetzt mit dem Friedensnobelpreis für Narges Mohammadi und der weiten Verfügbarkeit der Buchveröffentlichung dazu (siehe Bild unten) können die Interviews mit den Frauen in der Gefangenschaft des iranischen Regimes auf Deutsch gelesen werden. Hinschauen, Nachlesen, sich für die Freilassung einsetzen, das bleibt unsere Verantwortung.
Gewaltloser Widerstand ist Aufgabe der Freiheitsliebenden. Leben retten von denjenigen die Leben schenken. Die iranischen Frauen kämpfen mit friedlichen Mitteln gegen eine unermessliche Gewaltherrschaft und Unterdrückung. In bescheidenem Ausmaß können wir mit unserer Aufmerksamkeit und internationalen Anerkennung diesen Frieden- und Freiheitswillen unterstützen.


Seit der Antike sind Bogenschützen und Archer ein Thema der Künste. Meistens ist die männliche Repräsentation die dominierende Variante. In Berlin lässt aber auch seit langem eine starke weibliche Realisierung bewundern. Nahe dem Pergamon Museum und der Alten Nationalgalerie steht die Statue der Bogenspannerin. Die Zielrichtung geht Richtung Hedwigsdom, als ob der Kampf zwischen Kunst und Religion ein andauernder wäre. Erfahrene Stadtzeichnerinnen, aber auch Jugendliche fühlen sich dadurch angeregt. Kunstschaffende können einen nachhaltigen Einfluss haben. Innerhalb Berlins ist nicht nur die Vielfalt der Kulturen zu bestaunen, sondern auch der Wettbewerb der Künste um Aufmerksamkeit. Da werden nach Regierungswechseln oft viele Bögen gespannt. Bleibt abzuwarten, wen es alles dieses Mal treffen wird.


Jede einzelne Person hat Assoziationen mit dem Wort Barbie. Eingehen möchte ich jetzt nicht auf Klaus Barbie. Die Barbie war und ist als Puppe zu einer Kultfigur als Spielfigur mehrerer Generationen geworden. Dadurch hat die erfolgreiche Kommerzialisierung seit 1959 eine wirkmächtige Erfolgsgeschichte in den 60er und 70er Jahren erzielt. Zuletzt hat die kulturelle Öffnung hin zu „people of colour“, transgender und außergewöhnliche Charaktere den Gleichstellungsgedanken figürlich und spielerisch umgesetzt. Wenige Spielsachen erlauben eine solche Öffnung und Modernisierung über ihren „Lebensverlauf“. Die Barbie oder Der Barbie, wie auch immer, ermöglichen spielerisch Diversität zu erleben oder zu simulieren. So kann früh Stereotypen entgegengewirkt werden, wenn denn der Wille der Eltern oder Mitspielenden das ermöglichen wollen. Barbies sind schon längst ebenso zu Sammlerobjekten mutiert. Im Eingang zu IDENA (u.a. Spielwarengroßhändler) fand ich eine Würdigung dieses Bestsellers mit „Vintage Kleidern und Accessoires“ samt Hinweis auf Designer Entwürfe à la Karl Lagerfeld. Lernen sich zu kleiden, Stereotype erkennen und damit überwindend spielen können, das alles kann auch Barbie-spielen sein. Wo Sexismus nicht weit ist, kann aber Empowerment gewinnen. Und die Barbie hat Ken immer in die Tasche gesteckt. Das kann Hoffnung vermitteln. Die sogenannten sozialen Medien haben viel stärkere Stereotype geprägt und haben ihre Anhängenden viel fester im Griff als es eine Barbie je erreicht hat. Le Monde 2023-5-4 hat die Doku zur Geschichte der Barbie wohlwollend kommentiert.

Monitor SDGs

The advantage of the goal-setting at the U.N. is definately that the progress or regress can be monitored. To do this, a definition for each goal in words is presented, which has to be translated in all languages. Some notions are subject to conceptual issues. Poverty, for example, in an individualistic society needs to be defined at an individual level. In societies where women and dependent children or elderly persons are part of one household, the household is the unit of definition. After the conceptual clarification the measurement of a set of indicators needs to be identified. How do we measure poverty? Here the focus is either on absolute poverty (lump sum of money available) or relative poverty (relative to others in society). Stability of poverty, poverty as transitional  or access to poverty relief programmes as well as charity organisations in a country will play a role here. No simple answers and comparisons here. Timeliness of data is another issue. Data and sampling are costly in itself, therefore not every year the measurement is repeated to gauge progress or regress.
I take account of the SDGs in my own work in the form that the 17 SDGs of the U.N. are part of my work as well. In consulting practice it is a frequent task to check for example a larger enterprise on its contribution to the implementation of SDGs locally, nationally or globally. To start a reflection phase of my blog entries I just used the “search function” of the webpage and entered the first 6 SDGs in English and German to check, whether my webpage is SDG-proof. The result shown below in simple frequencies. Education and Learning come out as top scores. Other areas show fewer entries. In some goals, like gender, the keywords to check for are more diverse and return less precise results. This opens the conceptual box again. The notions summarised under a SDG goal might be numerous or singular – which leads to a bias in results. “Bildung” in German finds also “Weiterbildung” = further or continuous education at the same time, not the English term education. Subtle differences, but potentially huge effects. Overall, an interesting exercise to analyse my/your own mind and business practice. Focused attention versus broad coverage of SDGs, each has its strength and weaknesses. Goal 17 to strengthen the means of implementation and global partnership may build just on many more organisations doing their SDG-homework. Name, Measure, Improve – that is the action. SDGs in Blog1-6